Requirement Specification Document
User Login
Booking cars
We currently have operations in three cities - Kharagpur, Jamshedpur and Kolkata.
The below schematic representation is the business requirement
Every customer should register in the system. Basic information about the customer is to be captured in the user registration like Name, Address, Phone number, Mail Id. Also they are required to set a password for their account for future use. Database should maintain all customer details. Every customer should register only once. Customers should be mailed after successful registration.
User Login
Customer should use correct mail id and password to login to their accounts to make bookings.
Booking Cars
After signing in their accounts, customers will make their booking through a different screen. They need to specify the city(Kolkata, Kharagpur or Jamsedpur) , date for rent, ac or non ac cars, number of seats, number of hours and whether it will be a chauffeur driven or a self driven car. Amount for the combination will be populated automatically. Date should not be less than the current date and the number of hours field cannot be zero.
They also need to provide personal information and the pickup address. System should be able to fetch customer details from the registration details.
Once booking is successful customers will receive a mail with a booking Id. Payment is to be made with 24 hours of booking else booking gets cancelled automatically. A new booking cannot be made unless the previous dues have been cleared.
Customers can make payment immediately after booking or can make it separately later. Payment should be made within 24 hours of booking else booking gets cancelled automatically. Customers need to enter their mail Id and the due amount should be populated automatically. After Payment, invoice gets mailed to customers.
Admin needs to login through a separate screen and will be able to view customer details and booking details.
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Feedback for the development by Ms Monika Sahu
I appreciated the work done by Ms Monika for getting the sense of the business and coming up with an optimal solution. The interface is extremely user friendly and will definitely go with our motto of customer centricity. We currently have operations in three cities - Kharagpur, Jamshedpur and Kolkata. This system is suitable for all the locations. We will look forward to her development team for future expansions across cities, segments and in new domains.
nice app